Our partners
Built on lasting relationships.

At Cytronics, we view our partners as essential pillars of our success. These strong relationships enable us to effectively meet the needs of our clients.

Our main partner

Bard et Associés Inc.

Financial Security Advisors
Group Insurance and Annuity Advisors, and Personal Insurance Advisors

The benefits of becoming a partner,
enriching our success together!

  • Access to specialized expertise: You benefit from our team's in-depth expertise in payroll management.
  • Customized solutions: We develop tailor-made solutions that meet the unique requirements of our clients.
  • Strategic collaboration: We foster a culture of collaboration and openness with our partners, encouraging the exchange of ideas.
  • Reliability and flexibility: Cytronics' payroll management solutions are highly flexible and reliable.

Become a partner?

Why not you? Join us!

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Stratégie & UX — Oui Madame
Design — Xavier Cédric
Développement — Calotte